Magical Beach Maternity Session

When Daylight Savings Time begins, we all may lose an hour of sleep, but that means I gain an extra hour to fit in some sessions!  Priscilla and Mikhail’s maternity session was my very first one after the time change and they nailed it!  We didn’t think it was going to happen because of the rain they were calling for the whole week prior but the day before the shoot, the forecast cleared up and left us with the most beautiful skies I have seen in awhile down at Herring Point in Cape Henlopen State Park.

I had never met Priscilla or Mikhail before (I love all of my clients but I really love getting to know new people) and while we were walking to our next spot, I asked Priscilla how she had found me.  We all couldn’t help but laugh when she said she saw one of my posts on her friends page and then instantly became a very persistent page stalker of mine. Haha – I loved it!  I mean, that’s the best clients to have right?!  From there on out, Mikhail and I made jokes about possible things I was posting and Priscilla was keeping tabs on;  it was like we all had known each other for years!

When we got down to the jetty, the air shifted and as the sun set it was like we were in another world.  The wind COMPLETELY stopped, we were the only ones on the beach, the ocean waves were super calm, and the skies filled with illuminating shades of pink and purple.  To top it all off, there were about 30+ dolphins passing by during our time out there.  It was still a little cold, but with no breeze and a gorgeous canvas surrounding us, it didn’t even phase us.

Here are just a few of my favorite images from Priscilla and Mikhail’s maternity session with me!








Located in Greenwood, DE